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I've got a thing for sweets. Eating them, obviously; but looking at them too. The pop colours and playful shapes are designed to literal eye candy, so naturally I've been looking at ways to photograph them. I experimented with cola bottles, foam strawberries and gummies of every variety, but it wasn't until I got to jawbreakers that I discovered something truly beautiful. 

For the Candyland series, I bought dozens of jawbreakers of different sizes, from 1" wide gobstoppers to 3.5" mouth-dislocating beasts. Using a belt sander, I ground away half of the jawbreaker, then burnished them using ten grades of ultra fine sandpaper. The final cross section was like a polished stone - brightly coloured and beautiful.

The perfect size, it turned out, was 2". I photographed these and enlarged them to 1m x 1m. The final artwork was printed on fujiflex super gloss archival paper and the results were eye poppingly beautiful.

The Candyland series turns something modest and hidden into an explosion of colour. Nobody guesses they started life as a £3 jawbreaker. But the end point is as irresistible as candy itself.

For print sales, please inquire here.

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